It’s been a while since I’ve dropped some 100-word magic on y’all. But tonight the Party returns!
Now, I’m not committing to every friday just yet. Life is busy and all that jazz…
Before we dive into the wondrous micro-fiction that awaits below, I want to talk about that little post I put out last week “Jakes’ Back!!!”. Click the link and have a read. I’ll wait.
For those that didn’t read it (I’ve got my eye on you), here’s a quick summary:
What’s crazy is that when I titled the post “Jake’s Back!!!” I had no idea how back I’d be. Out of the Earth hit #150 overall on Amazon and is the #1 New Release in Post-apocalyptic fiction! Huzzah!
The cover certainly helped, right? Love it!
But enough about me. How are y’all doing? I hope you’re doing well.
Ready for some drabbletastic fiction? Yes, you are! Enjoy!
Jake Bible
Timmy just wasn't having it. No, sir. Wasn't having it at all.
“That’s my present?” he said with a scowl, his small hands bunched into angry, angry fists. “That thing?”
“Darling, it cost a fortune,” Timmy's mother said from outside the room, her voice tinny from the intercom.
“Only four left in the wild,” Timmy’s father said from directly behind Timmy’s mother.
“It stinks,” Timmy said and approached the over-engineered cage.
“I stink?” the yeti inside the cage responded. “Did you even wipe your ass today, you little fucking shit?”
Timmy’s scowl became a grin.
“It’s perfect,” Timmy whispered.
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