Happy Friday!
Tomorrow we shall be fools, but tonight we are free! FREE!
Don’t read too much into that last sentence. I just like how it sounded in my head.
Bonus writing!
Hey, did y’all go buy The Strange? Do that. Now.
Back already? Good. Just in time for this week’s drabble!
One Burst Of Rage
Jake Bible
No one suspected that the woman and child that ordered a stack of pancakes and two glasses of orange juice would be their end.
“Mommy, I want whippy cream and syrup.”
“That’s too much sugar, baby.”
Mommy regretted those words instantly.
The diner fell silent.
Mommy sobbed.
Then she bundled up Carmen, shielding the child’s eyes from the carnage the child’s own mind had wrought upon the innocent customers, and fled.
One burst of rage exploding across the diner.
Thirty-four dead.
“I’m still hungry, Mommy.”
“I know, baby. We’ll have to try another diner…”
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