Happy Friday, y’all!
I’ll be bowling when this post lands in your feed or inbox or whatever. Bowling!
Haven’t been bowling in years. I’m sure it’ll be fine…
Speaking of fine, check out these fine books!
Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe and listen to Scary Horror Stories by Dr. NoSleep and check out all the stories of mine they’ve been publishing! Looking for new fiction by me? This is the place!
Now, on with the drabble!
A Broken Windshield
Jake Bible
The tattered coats and sweaters that hung from the cracked plastic horse ears and unicorn horns of the ancient carousel flapped softly.
The only sounds in the park were the ever-present wind and the subdued squeaking of gears hidden deep inside the carousel’s housing.
Other than those, the park was silent.
A leaf tumbled across the overgrown grass, lightly brushing the blade tips on its trek toward the low, iron fence.
It slid through the space between the bars and traveled across the cracked pavement until a gust lifted it up onto a broken windshield.
The skeletons inside didn’t notice.
Yo! You should subscribe and share and dance and sing and shout and run and all the fun stuff!
But mostly subscribe and share.