Have you gotten your copy of No Easy Dead yet? Why the heck not, y’all?
Yes, for some of you, this isn’t a new book. It’s a reboot of Dead Team Alpha. But that was eight years ago, so there are plenty of folks that get this newsletter that haven’t read it yet.
I’m talking to you! (Yeah, you. I’m pointing right at you.)
So click the pic and get you some No Easy Dead!
And since you all clicked that pic and bought the book, I’ll shut up and get right to the drabble now.
Full Disclosure
Jake Bible
I think I may have made a mistake.
Not a huge one.
Well…I hope not.
Am I in danger?
Not sure. Yet.
Could I be in a lot of danger?
I’m going with “yes” on that one.
Sure, mistakes happen. Everyone knows that.
A little extra caution could have been used on my part.
Just a little.
I mean, when a weird swirling portal appears before you, maybe think it through a hair before going, “Cool. A portal. I wonder where it goes?”
Just saying.
Also, for full disclosure, I may have been more than a tad high…
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