Happy Friday!
Or I hope it’s a happy one for all y’all. If it’s not, then come here and get a hug. It’s free!
You know what else is free? My Scary Stories!
Check them out when you have a chance. Then bop on over to the Scary Horror Stories by Dr. NoSleep podcast and listen to some other fine writers’ works. It would be much appreciated!
Oh, and if you are an author with a book out you’d like me to plug, then shoot me a message. I’m more than happy to share my space with other hardworking word miners.
Now, for the main attraction! Enjoy the free drabble!
Who Shall Yield
Jake Bible
The sword’s blade severed the young man’s arm at the shoulder.
“Yield and I will tend to your wound,” the knight said.
“I will not yield,” the young man snarled, clamping his remaining hand over the bloody stump.
“Yield, boy,” the knight growled.
“I am not the one who shall yield.”
The young man removed his hand, and the stump was no longer bleeding.
Then the knight gasped and took a step back as a new arm quickly grew from the stump.
“And never call a demon a boy,” the young man said, baring sharpened fangs. “It really annoys us.”
You know what’s not annoying? Subscribing!
You know what could be annoying but won’t be because Brain Squeezins is awesome? Sharing!