Hey Y’all!
I’m back from my hiatus. Took a little brain break there. Okay, not really because the bills have to be paid and, well, writing is how I pay them.
Speaking of, let’s dive into a quick update on all the projects I’m working on. That way y’all know I’m not slacking here.
There are a few of you who reach out regularly, which I truly appreciate, and inquire about a certain series. A lot of you want the Mega/Team Grendel series to keep going. I hear that and it is a goal of mine. I’m currently in talks to have the series republished since I have gotten the rights back from Severed Press. Does that mean new books? Could be, could be. Depends on the deal I can strike.
Also, not to get too into the weeds about Severed Press, but I no longer have any books published with them. Why? Well, let’s just say that Severed Press saw its high point a while back. At least, in my opinion, it did. Anyway, it was time to move on.
So what am I doing right now?
I’m writing a shit ton of short fiction for Dr. NoSleep Studios. If you haven’t checked it out, you really should. I have playlists of my stuff on Spotify and on YouTube. There are over sixty short stories and novelettes in those playlists. I’ve been busy.
I’m also writing a non-fiction book on a certain post-apocalyptic video game franchise. You’ve heard of it. You have. And it’s not a vanity project. It’s a real gig and I’ve gotten an insane amount of access to the people who made the game. You’ll love it.
What else? Oh, right, I am narrating/producing the audiobooks for No Easy Dead, No Easy Dead: The Stronghold, A Fistful Of Mechs, and A Few Mechs More. It takes about 4-6 hours of labor for one hour of finished audio, so this project happens in between my short fiction writing and my non-fiction writing. I hope to have the audiobooks done by summer.
And I have to republish In Perpetuity, Max Rage, AntiBio, and Mech Corp. That’s a lot of backlist right there, y’all. It’ll be a bit before I get to those. At least only In Perpetuity needs an audiobook. If you need an audiobook, I got them! Check out the playlist I put together for Spotify (right now I prefer Spotify because they pay out when Premium members stream my books).
In addition to all of the above, I am still working on finishing The Flipside series of books. I’m halfway through the third book and will start on the fourth as soon as that’s done. Maybe that’ll be done by the end of the summer. Not holding my breath on that.
For those wondering if there will be print books of any of my republished stuff, the answer is maybe. Printing books isn’t just a matter of uploading a manuscript to KDP’s thing or one of those services. Each book needs a new cover, which means if I include all of the Galactic Fleet Universe books, I have at least twenty-eight full covers that will need to be commissioned and paid for. If I want quality, then that’s a minimum of $500 per cover. I’ll let y’all do the math.
Oh, and since I brought up the Galactic Fleet Universe (all audiobooks are available!), while I can’t say much, let’s just say that if things work out, we may be seeing one or more of those books up on the big screen. Wouldn’t that be cool?
What else is cool is I have finally started working on an idea that has been percolating in my head for over a decade. If it all goes to plan, I’ll actually shop this manuscript to agents and see where that takes me. Plus, I have a side project planned for the IP too. Should be groovy.
Really, to be honest, I’m just getting by day to day as I slowly work my way through the list of everything that needs to get done. Being a writer is truly a dream but it is hard work. Really hard work. It taxes the brain and the body. I’ve started walking over three miles a day again so my body doesn't fall apart from all the sitting I do. I ain’t getting any younger, folks.
And that’s it…for now. You know me. There’s always some new idea dawning on the horizon.
Enjoy the drabble. Check out some of the links above. Buy some books. Stream some audiobooks. Try not to be a Nazi, if at all possible. We got plenty of those already these days. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Just be kind.
And enjoy the free microfiction below!
Cheers, Y’all!
I’m Not Gonna
Jake Bible
There’s a door in the oak tree.
It’s not a small door, one of those fairy doors.
It isn’t something you buy from Crate & Barrel and then smile over your mojito when your friends come over for afternoon drinks and apps and compliment you on it.
No, this is a full-size fucking door.
And someone is on the other side calling for me.
I’m not gonna open the door. That’d be insane.
Nope, I’m gonna turn my back and study the stains on my trailer’s vinyl siding.
I’m definitely not gonna open that door.
Well, maybe not today, at least…
Did ya dig the free fiction? Then share with friends and family! Share with your enemies! Share with that weird guy who lives down the street and always blows his nose by closing one nostril with his thumb so he can shoot snot out the other one right there on his front porch. That guy will totally love this shit!
And if you happened upon this because someone shared this with you or you stumbled upon it by accident or that weird guy down the street shouted that you have to check out Brain Squeezins right before he blew snot out of one nostril followed by the other, or if all of the above, then you should definitely subscribe!
I am a devout Meg person, and I love your Team Grendel books.
Want you on that wall…