Happy Friday!
Enjoy the extra hour while you have it, y’all. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IS COMING FOR US ALL!
Stupid daylight savings…
One thing I hate about the time change, other than the crushing fatigue it produces, is I have to put EDT at the end of times instead of EST. It just annoys me…
Stupid daylight savings…
Anyhoo, nothing major to announce. Yet. Stay tuned, though!
Now, how about some free fiction?
You know you want it!
On with the drabble!
They Said
Jake Bible
Nick stared out at the arena and tried not to cry.
“I’m so going to die,” he whispered.
“You’ll be fine,” one of the guards by the gate said.
“Yeah. Nothing to worry about,” the other guard said.
Both snickered.
“So…anyone ever lose and survive?” Nick asked the guards.
Their snickers turned to full on guffaws.
“I didn’t think so…”
Then the gate opened and the crowd roared.
Nick adjusted his leather loin cloth and walked into the arena to face the other gladiator.
“Learn quantum physics they said,” he grumbled. “Invent time travel and see history, they said…”
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