Happy Friday!
No Drabble Grab this week, but there is a drabble. Why write a drabble and not record, edit, and publish it on YouTube? Because time. Too much to do, y’all!
I should be back at it next week, though.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for something to do, then check out all my audiobooks on Spotify! Unfortunately, they haven’t quite figured out how to sort by author yet, but I guess they’ll figure it out. Just head on over and check out all the Jake Bible goodness on audio!
Now, on with the 100 words of awesome sauce!
Let It Dry
Jake Bible
“Let it dry. You’ll ruin the edging when you pick it up.”
“I’ve got it.” Smoke eyed the painting then carefully lifted it by the outer edge of the canvas. “See?”
“It’s your funeral.”
The painter shrugged and opened the studio door. Smoke nodded to the guy and slinked out into the alley, his truck ready and waiting.
He laid the painting in the case, closed it, sealed it, locked it, and made sure the straps were tight.
Then he got in the driver’s seat and sighed.
“Crazy,” he muttered. “But, I feel younger. That painting must already have wrinkles.”
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