Hello, again!
Fancy meeting you all here. What’s up?
Huh? Oh, right!
We got a party going on!
And, yes, despite the party atmosphere, I am going to keep shilling Drabble Grabs. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out because I won’t be posting about it for much longer.
Have you subscribed? HAVE YOU?
Sorry I yelled…
Now, on with the drabble!
Pressure Relieved
Jake Bible
“I’m trying!”
Lordes spat into her palms, grabbed the handle, and pulled.
She let go. Anger churned inside her.
“No go, kids. The valve is stuck shut.”
“Have you checked the coupling nut?”
Of course she had. She’d checked every single piece of metal that was connected to the valve.
“You bled the pressure from tanks three and four, yeah?”
“I’ll do that now.”
“Good idea…”
She easily heard the pressure lower.
Lordes grabbed the handle and pulled.
It moved.
“Pressure relieved. We get to live… Except for Norris. He’s fucking dead.”
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